Jelajah Nusa Lembongan Bali: Snorkeling at the Best Points (Part 2)

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Ini dia hasil jeprat-jepret kehidupan bawah laut Nusa Lembongan dan Nusa Penida Bali. Kita mulai di pagi hari, dari Mushroom Bay Nusa Lembongan menuju 3 titik snorkelling: Mangrove (Lembongan), Gamat (Pendia), Crystal Bay (Penida). Sayangnya, kita melewati titik selam bernama the Wall (Penida) dan Manta Point karena arus yang sangat kuat.

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We continue our journey from Mushroom Bay to 3 snorkelling sites: Mangrove (Lembongan),Gamat (Penida), Crystal Bay (Pendia), our story before, just clikc on Unfortunately we missed one spot, the Wall (Nusa Penida) and Manta Point (Penida), due to its strong current and weather.

Titik Pertama The First Spot MANGROVE AREA


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Most noteworthy is Mangrove Point, which lies off the eastern tip of Nusa Lembongan. It’s a sprawling coral garden with plenty of fish and very light currents.

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